Image: The four awards were presented to six undergraduates. Each Spring, the department of Physics and Astronomy hosts a pizza party and award ceremony to honor and celebrate with our undergraduate majors. It's a special event to honor our students with their friends and families. The ceremony this year was followed with a special colloquium given by Dr. Travis Barman, Professor at Arizona State University, who received his Ph.D. from the department. This year's undergraduate awards ceremony was held on April 28, 2022. Undergraduate Research Award: Tyler Jacob Haymans Astrophysics Award: Joseph David Saltarelli Astrophysics Award: Catherine Schilling Charles H. Wheatley Award: Yoong Sheng (Terry) Phang Linville L. Hendren Memorial Scholarship: Tyler Garrett Heydinger Linville L. Hendren Memorial Scholarship: Cal McKee Hughes