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Past Events

Thomas Vogel, Scientist (Los Alamos National Lab)
Physics Building Room 202
Dr. Clémence Fontanive, Trottier Research Fellow, Institute for Research on Exoplanets (Université de Montréal Canada)
Physics Building Room 202
Dr. Abhinav Prem, Institute for Advanced Study, (Princeton University)
CSP Conference Room 322, Physics Building
Sanju Gupta, Department of Physics and Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Penn State University)
Physics Building Room 202
Dr. Manuel Weber, Institut für Theoretische Physik, (TU Dresden)
CSP Conference Room 322, Physics Building
Prof. David Spergel, President, Center for Computational Astrophysics (Simons Foundation and Flatiron Institute)
Physics Building Room 202
Dr. Andre Erpenbeck,
Physics Conference Room 204B
Dr. Sangeeta Rajpurohit,
CSP Conference room 322
Dr. Wassie Takele, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque)
Dr. Wassie Takele, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque)
Physics Room 202
Alan Dorsey (University of Georgia)
CSP Conference Room 322, Physics Building
Dr. Adarsh Patri, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
CSP Conference Room 322, Physics Building
Jeremy Smallwood, Dodge Family Prize Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Oklahoma)
Physics Room 202
Huan Tran, School of Materials Science & Engineering, (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Physics Room 202
Professor Michael Usher, Department of Mathematics (University of Georgia)
CSP Conference Room 322, Physics Building
Adam Ginsburg, Associate Professor Department of Astronomy (University of Florida, Gainesville)
Physics Room 202
Jason Langley, MRI Physicist (University of California Riverside)
Physics Room 202
Dr. Phillip Stancil, Physics & Astronomy (University of Georgia)
Physics room 202
KATHERINE BRADING, Philosophy (Duke University)
115 Peabody Hall
CSP Conference Room 322, Physics Building
Christopher D. P. Duffy, Senior Lecturer in Cellular & Molecular Biology Faculty of Science and Engineering (Queen Mary University of London)
Cristiano Longarini, Postdoctoral Associate Institute of Astronomy, (University of Cambridge)
Jessica Cmiel, PHD Student Environmental Science & Engineering (Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and applied Sciences)
Lauren Garten , Assistant Professor School of Materials Science and Engineering (Georgia Tech)
Physics Building Room 202
Dr. Cassandra Hall,
Morton Theatre downtown Athens
Eric Betzig, Professor of Molecular and Cell biology and Eugene D. Commins Presidential Chair in Experimental Physics (University of California, Berkeley,)
Physics Room 202
Georgia Center Studio
J Michael Kosterlitz, Harrison E. Farnsworth Professor of Physics, Brown University (2016 Nobel Prize winner for Physics)
Physics Building Room 202
Georgia Center Studio
Edward Gillen, Winton Fellow & Lecturer in Observations of Exoplanets (Queen Mary University of London)
Stefan Boettcher, Department of Physics (Emory University)
Physics Building Room 202
Tian Li, Assistant Professor of Physics (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)
Francesco Caravelli, CNLS Oppenheimer Fellow (Los Almos National Laboratory)
Melissa Dancy, Research Faculty (Western Michigan University )
In-person Event Room 202
George Siopsis, Dept of Physics & Astronomy (The University of Tenessee)
Stefanie N. Milam, WST Deputy Project Scientist for Planetary Science, (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Physics Room 202
Ahmedullah Aziz, Dept. of EECS, (University of Tennessee Knoxville)
In-person Event Room 202
Matthew Liska, John Harvard Fellow, Harvard University (Hubble Fellow, Georgia Tech)
Physics Auditorium Room 202
Ying Wai Li, Scientist and Team Leader (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
Physics Auditorium Room 202
Laurene Tetard, Department of Physics (University of Central Florida)
Physics Auditorium Room 202
Tianming Liu, Department of Computer Science, (University of Georgia)
Physics Auditorium Room 202
Sergei Gleyzer, Department of Physics & Astronomy (University of Alabama)
Physics Auditorium Room 202
Erica R. Jawin, Postdoctoral Research Geologist, Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution)
Physics Room 202
Dr. Erica Jawin,
Physics Auditorium Room 202
Wes Campbell, Physics & Astronomy (UCLA)
Zoom Meeting
Gopal Iyer, Department of Chemistry (Brown University)
Physics Auditorium Room 202
Steven G. Louie, Physics Department, (University of California at Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, California 94720 U.S.A.)
Physics Building Room 202
Dilimulati Aierken, Center for Simulational Physics (University of Georgia)
Zoom Meeting
Andrew Sornborger, Research Scientist, Information Sciences (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Physics Auditorium (202)
Masaki Sano, The University of Tokyo School of Physics and Astronomy (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Zoom meeting
Pierre T. Darancet , Scientist, Nanoscience, Center for Nanoscale Materials (Argonne National Laboratory)
Zoom meeting
Madeleine Phillips, (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)
Zoom Meeting
David Wolpert, Santa Fe Institute Resident Professor Complexity Science Hub Vienna External Professor (Arizona State University )
Physics Auditorium (202)
Zoom meeting
Nima Karamitari, (University of South Carolina)
Zoom meeting
Dr. Rachel L. Smith, Head, Astronomy & Astrophysics Research Lab (Curator of Meteorites, NC Museum of Natural Sciences)
Physics Auditorium (202)
Richard Booth, (Imperial College London)
Zoom Meeting
Adrian Del Maestro, Professor and Head Department of Physics & Astronomy (University of Tennessee )
Physics Auditorium (2020) and Zoom
Parth Kumar, Department of Physics (University of Arizona)
Zoom Meeting
Michael D. Williams, Ph.D. , Professor/Chair Department of Physics (Clark University)
Physics Auditorium (2020) and Zoom
Hans Baehr, Center for Simulational Physics (University of Georgia)
Zoom Meeting
Martin Mourigal, Associate Professor, School of Physics (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Physics Auditorium (2020) and Zoom
Kyle J. Dorsey, Ph.D.,
Physics Auditorium (2020) and Zoom
Zahra Fakhraai ,
Zoom Meeting
Zhuofei Hou, (GACRC)
Zoom Meeting
Dr. Eric DeGiuli, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics (Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson) )
Zoom Meeting
Michael Caplinger and Jeff Deroshia(1), Shan-Ho Tsai(2),
Zoom Meeting
Sahl Rowther, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy (University of Leicester England)
Physics Auditorium (2020) and Zoom
Physics Auditorium (2020) and Zoom
J. Christopher Howk, Department of Physics (University of Notre Dame)
Zoom Meeting
Travis Barman, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory (University of Arizona)
Physics Auditorium (2020) and Zoom
Mike Kaplinger, Department of Physics and Astronomy (UGA)
Zoom Meeting
Carlo Sirtori, Professor of Physics (Holder of the ENS-THALES Chair Ecole normale supérieure)
Zoom Meeting
Eric Suter, Center for Simulational Physics (University of Georgia)
Zoom Meeting
Professor Andrew J. Millis, Department of Physics, Columbia University (Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute)
Physics Auditorium (202) and Zoom
Suzette A. Pabit, School of Applied and Engineering Physics (Cornell University, Ithaca, New York )
Zoom Meeting
Carla Frohlich, Professor of Physics, Dept. of Physics (North Carolina State University)
Zoom Meeting
Matthias Kling, Professor of Photon Science and (by courtesy) of Applied Physics Director of Science and R&D Division, LCLS, SLAC (Stanford University)
Zoom Meeting
Prof. Dr. Achim Hartschuh, Department of Chemistry and Center for Nanoscience (LMU Munich, Munich, Germany)
Zoom Meeting
Professor Roberto Car, Department of Chemistry (Princeton University)
Prof. Sharon C. Glotzer, Chemical Engineering (University of Michigan)
Physics Building Room 202
Robert W. Boessenecker, (College of Charleston)
Room 200A: Geography-Geology Building
Hannah Morris, (Chena Consulting Services)
G&G - Room 200A

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