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Ph.D. Degree

Required courses:

For the PhD, six core courses (PHYS 8011, 8101, 8102, 8201, 8202, and 8301), the scientific presentation course (PHYS 8950), and two electives are required. Acceptable elective courses are 3 credit hour graduate-level electives in physics, astronomy, or related fields graded in the A-F grading system. At least one of the electives should be at the 8000-level. An example schedule is: six core courses [18 hours] + PHYS 8950 [2 hours] + two electives [6 hours] + PHYS 9000 [3 hours] +PHYS 9300 [3 hours]. Note that a student with TA or RA support is required to register for a minimum of 12 hours each Fall and Spring semester, including PHYS 9000 (Doctoral Research) credit hours.

Written prelim exam

See Written Prelim Exam for detailed information.

Oral prelim exam

See Oral Prelim Exam for detailed information.

Application for admission for candidacy

The student must file an application for admission to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree after having completed the following:

  1. Program of Study approved by the Advisory Committee and the Dean of the Graduate School.
  2. A GPA of 3.0 or better has been maintained in all graduate courses taken and in all of the "core" courses.
  3. Written and oral comprehensive exams have been passed.
  4. The Graduate School's residency requirement has been met.
  5. Find a professor who agrees to become the student's research advisor.

Application forms may be obtained from the graduate secretary or from the graduate school website.

Grade requirement

For both MS and Ph.D. degrees, a GPA of 3.0 or better has been maintained in all graduate courses taken. No course with grade below 'C' or lower can be used in the Program of Study.

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